Friday, June 4, 2010

Run Down Properties

Anonymous wrote:

"I'm interested in knowing WHY there are so many run down properties in Alliance - isn't there an ordinance that prohibits excessive weeds and lawn growth? We have such a beautiful little town and it is disturbing to see properties in such disrepair as Central School. Any thoughts?"


  1. We have a foreclosure next door and even when it was inhabited it did not look well. My husband called GMAC to complain. The real estate person laughed at my husband's quest to have someone do something about the lawn. She assured him someone would come if not... to call again. I have mowed twice however keeping up the "good citizenship concept" annoys me. The weeds in the back yard are 3-4 feet tall. My mower almost died the first time I did it. I came home bug bitten and ripped to shreads. I looked like the "mad hatter" and hoped no one thought I owned the place. When we bought our house five years ago the owner took care of his home and since he moved it has been foreclosed on twice. My solution is to buy it or move. My husband said the city probably would not allow me to build a 15 foot privacy fence. This house is bringing down the value of my home.

  2. What about the store fronts' 2nd story windows on the main downtown? Has anybody really looked at them? Our downtown is looking pretty run down.

  3. There are many city ordinances pertaining to this very same concern, up to and including fines and finally demolition if necessary. However, the city is reluctant to act on them.

    It is the responsibility of each citizen to report their concern; then for the city to act.

    Call your council members. This, as well as many other things are what we vote them in office for. If they fail to act, then maybe some one else needs to do their job. They, as a council, need to enforce the very same ordinances that they pass. Otherwise, it tends to look a bit hypicritical. What does everyone else think?

  4. The current copy of the Alliance City Ordinances are available to the general public either at the Municipal Building or at the Learning Center. It is available in CD form and is downloadable. I would personally suggest checking one out from the Learning Center and copying it to your computer. Rather long in the tooth, at times it can make for some interesting reading!

  5. If you are concerned with how the Downtown looks, why not join the Historic Main Street Alliance program that is currently seeking volunteers. These volunteers are the ones that help address these issues with downtown and are the ones who are more than willing to get things done.

  6. Regarding the foreclosure property, I believe it is First National Bank that has Central School, certainly they can get someone to mow the lawn? Looks to me like it is their reputation on the line. The last time Central School was mowed was when the Alliance City Schools volunteered their maintenance people to mow it. Kuddos to them! Regarding the foreclosure of GMAC that Sue is taking care of, why hasn't the City cited them?

  7. Even if a person were to volunteer for the Historic Main Street Program you would still have to get the permission of the building owner to make improvements wouldn't you? I say take pride in what "you" own!!!! Do it yourself or hire it done, don't depend on someone else to do it - that's the problem.

  8. Most generally we do have the permission to help tidy up the buildings but what I was trying to get at, is the more people we have involved in the program, the more there are to go to Council or whomever and make these people accountable for their properties. The Main Street program is a voice but our little group needs to grow so more people can hear us and see that WE DO CARE what our little town looks like.

  9. As per Gary Goodell (former council member and want to be one again) typical liberal Politian all they want you to do is to waste your time read about the laws and rules instead of having the APD, Building and Code Dept, Keep Alliance Beautiful, and City hired and elected employees to do the job that we tax payers pay them to do. This is another reason we need to clean house in city hall because if they have to do their job that will be another reason to rise out taxes again.

  10. To Anonymous:

    First of all, I am NOT a typial liberal politician...not a liberal at all and surprisingly neither am I a politician. Second, my suggestion was simply a way for EVERYONE to get involved with the process and not just the few. The resource is out there for all of us to use. Those of us who pay taxes DO deserve better and as a community we deserve better.

    If I was on the council and someone would contact me about this issue or any other for that matter, something WOULD be done about it. It is NOT a waste of anyone's time to be informed. Have you taken the time to call someone from the city about this issue? Or, do you merely complain behind an anonymous moniker? My number has always been in the book. Feel free to discuss anything at all with a simple call.

  11. Obviously, whoever commented before Gary has a bone to pick. Good point, Gary. Rather than anonymously picking bones, pick up a phone. Excellent points, Gary! And by the way, I am not a Goodell promoter and have no other interest in posting my opinion.

  12. It's not always the forclosures that are being ignored. My sister is suppose to be taking care of my father's home and it looks desserted. I'm ashamed and apologize to the community for what it looks like, but my hands are tied.


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