Wednesday, February 9, 2011

On The Horizon

By J. D. Cox, City Manager

I have been in my position now for a little over a month and have enjoyed Alliance immensely.   I have been swept away by the incredible hospitality and welcoming that has been shown to me.  It is abundantly clear to me that a huge asset of our community is the warm and welcoming way of Alliance.  In fact, it is to the extent, that I believe it is also something that needs to be revisited and emphasized in future community marketing campaigns.

When I started, there were many projects already in the works.  I am working now to pick up those projects and carry on with them.   Some of those include: the financing of the improvements to the (electrical) Cody substation, the completion of the audit, the hiring of an accounting supervisor, and the facilitation of new commercial business construction.

Some of the other projects that are currently pending and await attention include: addressing museum and city facility fees, hiring a human resources manager, and naming and use of the dog park.

Still there are other major projects that will to require substantial time and attention in the future and include: Downtown revitalization and streetscape, economic development, reliable electric service, highway 385 expansion project, marketing and branding of our community, creating an Emergency Operations Center, fostering cooperation and maximizing of efficiencies between the City, Box Butte County and Alliance Public Schools, and investigate and explore other avenues of economic success.

I would also to invite everyone to join me in congratulating and supporting our new interim Community Development Director, Aaron Smith, who has graciously accepted the challenges and eagerly looks forward to assisting the community’s further development.

In addition to all of these important projects, one of the most vital initiatives that lies before us is the visioning of the future of Alliance.   What do we wish for Alliance to look like in 10 years?  This will be addressed at a future date.

At the end of the day, with all of these nice things that we enjoy, the single most important thing that we can all do is to treat one another and visitors to our community  as best as we possibly can with that trademark Alliance friendliness.

We have so many assets and positives in the community, that one needs not look far – great parks, awesome facilities, a warm downtown area, good businesses, all sorts of transportation options – rail, air and now even the prospect of major Highway 385 improvements to boot.

Yes, my first month here has been wonderful.  I am looking forward to the remainder of my family from Neodesha, KS, to join me a little this summer.   My wife Tonya, our son Collin (14), and our daughter Cali (17) will be coming to Alliance after school is completed in May.  In addition, our older daughter Kierstyn will be home from college and will join us this summer in Alliance.  Both Collin and Cali are looking forward to be Alliance High School students next year and I am excited for them all to also experience this great community!

1 comment:

  1. It is nice to see a newcomer say such nice, positive things about Alliance. Thank you!


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